
Each Bible Book Explained In 10 Words Or Less (Part 2)

Each Bible Book Explained In 10 Words Or Less (Part 2)

Note: The Following Is From The Book “Know Your Bible”, Published By Barbour Publishing, Inc. Used By Permission.

To help you gain a quick understanding of the books of the Bible, in this 2 Part Series, we explain the key theme of all 66 books of the Bible in 10 words or less. Part 1 covered the 39 books of the Old Testament and Part 2 covers the 27 books of the New Testament.


  1. Matthew: Jesus fulfills the Old Testament prophesies of a coming Messiah.
  2. Mark: Jesus is God’s Son, a suffering servant of all people.
  3. Luke: Jesus is Savior of all people, whether Jew or Gentile.
  4. John: Jesus is God Himself, the only Savior of the world.
  5. Acts: The Holy Spirit’s arrival heralds the beginning of the Christian Church.
  6. Romans: Sinners are saved only by faith in Jesus Christ.
  7. 1 Corinthians: Paul tackles the sin problems in the church in Corinth.
  8. 2 Corinthians: Paul defends his ministry in the troubled Corinthian Church.
  9. Galatians: Christians are free from restrictive Jewish laws.
  10. Ephesians: Christians are all members of Jesus’ “body”, the church.
  11. Philippians: “Friendship letter” between the apostle Paul and a beloved
  12. Colossians: Jesus Christ is supreme – over everyone and everything.
  13. 1 Thessalonians: Jesus will return to gather His followers to Him.
  14. 2 Thessalonians: Christians should work until Jesus returns.
  15. 1 Timothy: Pastors are taught how to conduct their lives and churches.
  16. 2 Timothy: The apostle Paul’s final words to a beloved coworker.
  17. Titus: Church leaders are instructed on their lives and teaching.
  18. Philemon: Paul begs mercy for a runaway slave converted to Christianity.
  19. Hebrews: Jesus is better than any Old Testament person or sacrifice.
  20. James: Real Christian faith is shown by one’s good works.
  21. 1 Peter: Suffering for the sake of Jesus is noble and good.
  22. 2 Peter: Beware of false teachers within the church.
  23. 1 John: Jesus was real man just as He is real God.
  24. 2 John: Beware false teachers who deny Jesus’ physical life on earth.
  25. 3 John: Church leaders must be humble, not proud.
  26. Jude: Beware of heretical teachers and their dangerous doctrines.
  27. Revelation: God will judge evil and reward His saints.


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