Distorted Christianity Versus True Christianity.
Almost from the beginning there were forces at work within
Christianity that could have destroyed or sidetracked the movement.
Of these, three created many problems then and have continued to
reappear in other forms even today.
Christianity that could have destroyed or sidetracked the movement.
Of these, three created many problems then and have continued to
reappear in other forms even today.
These three Distortions Of Christianity are contrasted in this
post to True Christianity.
post to True Christianity.
1. Their Definition Of
Christianity: Christians
are Jews who have recognized Jesus as the promised Savior.
Therefore, any Gentile desiring to become a Christian must first
become a Jew.
Christianity: Christians
are Jews who have recognized Jesus as the promised Savior.
Therefore, any Gentile desiring to become a Christian must first
become a Jew.
2. Their Genuine Concern: Having
a high regard for the Scriptures and God’s choice of Jews as His
people, they did not want to see God’ s commands overlooked or
a high regard for the Scriptures and God’s choice of Jews as His
people, they did not want to see God’ s commands overlooked or
3. The Danger: Tends
to add human traditions and standards to God’s law. Also subtracts
from the Scriptures God’s clear concern for all nations.
to add human traditions and standards to God’s law. Also subtracts
from the Scriptures God’s clear concern for all nations.
4. Application Question:
Do you appreciate God’s choice of a unique people through whom He
offered forgiveness and eternal life to all peoples?
Do you appreciate God’s choice of a unique people through whom He
offered forgiveness and eternal life to all peoples?
1. Their Definition Of
Christianity: Christians
are those who live by a long list of “Don’ts”. God’s favor
is earned by good works and good behavior.
Christianity: Christians
are those who live by a long list of “Don’ts”. God’s favor
is earned by good works and good behavior.
2. Their Genuine Concern:
real change brought about by God should lead to changes in behavior.
real change brought about by God should lead to changes in behavior.
3. The Danger: Tends
to make God’s love something to earn rather than to accept freely.
Would reduce Christianity to a set of impossible rules and transform
the Good News into bad news.
to make God’s love something to earn rather than to accept freely.
Would reduce Christianity to a set of impossible rules and transform
the Good News into bad news.
4. Application Question: As
important as change in action is, can you see that God may be
desiring different changes in you than in others?
important as change in action is, can you see that God may be
desiring different changes in you than in others?
1. Their Definition Of
Christianity: Christians
live above the law. They need no guidelines. God’s Word is not as
important as our personal sense of God’s guidance.
Christianity: Christians
live above the law. They need no guidelines. God’s Word is not as
important as our personal sense of God’s guidance.
2. Their Genuine Concern:
that forgiveness from God cannot be based on our ability to live up
to His perfect standards. It must be received by faith as a gift
made possible by Christ’s death on the cross.
that forgiveness from God cannot be based on our ability to live up
to His perfect standards. It must be received by faith as a gift
made possible by Christ’s death on the cross.
3. The Danger: Forgets
that Christians are still human and fail consistently when trying to
live by what they “feel” God wants.
that Christians are still human and fail consistently when trying to
live by what they “feel” God wants.
4. Application Question: Do
you recognize the ongoing need for God’s expressed commands as you
live out your gratitude for His great salvation?
you recognize the ongoing need for God’s expressed commands as you
live out your gratitude for His great salvation?
1. Their Definition Of
Christianity: Christians
are those who believe inwardly and outwardly that Jesus’ death has
allowed God to offer them forgiveness and eternal life as a free
gift. They have accepted that gift through faith and are seeking to
live a life of obedient gratitude for what God has done for them.
Christianity: Christians
are those who believe inwardly and outwardly that Jesus’ death has
allowed God to offer them forgiveness and eternal life as a free
gift. They have accepted that gift through faith and are seeking to
live a life of obedient gratitude for what God has done for them.
2. Their Genuine Concern:
is both private and public, with heart-belief and mouth confession.
Our relationship to God and the power He provides result in
obedience. Having received the gift of forgiveness and eternal life,
we are now daily challenged to live that life with His help.
is both private and public, with heart-belief and mouth confession.
Our relationship to God and the power He provides result in
obedience. Having received the gift of forgiveness and eternal life,
we are now daily challenged to live that life with His help.
3. The Danger:
Avoid the above dangers.
Avoid the above dangers.
4. Application Question: How
would those closest to you describe your Christianity? Do they think
you live so that God will accept you or do they know that you live
because God has accepted you in Christ? If you were on trial for
being a Christian, would there be enough evidence in your life to
convict you?
would those closest to you describe your Christianity? Do they think
you live so that God will accept you or do they know that you live
because God has accepted you in Christ? If you were on trial for
being a Christian, would there be enough evidence in your life to
convict you?
10:9-10 (NIV) says
you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your
heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it
is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with
your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.”
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