
Jesus’ Death And Resurrection: The Details And Time Line (Part One).

Jesus' Death And Resurrection: The Details And Time Line (Part One).

 By:  Bill and Teddy Rogers


Before Jesus died, He told His disciples the following:
  • One of the disciples would betray Him;
  • Peter would deny
    Him three
  • The Jewish Council would condemn Him to death;
  • He would die and be in the tomb for three days and three nights;
  • On the third day, He would rise again.
  • Judas Iscariot betrayed Him for thirty pieces of silver (See
    Matthew 26:14)
  • Before the rooster crowed, Peter denied
    Jesus three
    times (See Matthew 26:69-75);
  • The Sanhedrin had Him arrested and illegally convicted Him of
    blasphemy (See Matthew 26:1-2, 26:57-67);
  • The High Priest went to Pontius Pilate, the Roman Governor of Judea,
    and sought the death penalty (See Matthew 27:1-2);
  • Pontius Pilate granted their request, had
    Jesus brutally flogged, and handed Him over to be crucified
    Matthew 27:11-26)
  • Roman soldiers crucified Jesus and nailed Him to the cross (See
    Matthew 27:27-44);
  • At 3:00pm, Jesus
    cried out in a loud voice and died
    Matthew 27:45-50);
  • Jesus
    was taken down from the cross and buried in a borrowed tomb
    Matthew 27:57- 61);
  • Jesus’
    tomb was sealed and Romans soldiers posted to guard it

    (See Matthew 27:62-66);
  • On the third day, Jesus rose from the dead (See Matthew 28:1-10);
  • The Roman soldiers took a very
    large bribe to keep all this quiet
    (See Matthew 28:11-15).
On Wednesday morning at 9:00am, not on Friday as currently observed,
Jesus was crucified and nailed to the cross. Six hours later at
3:00pm, Jesus took His last breath and died. Because the special
High Sabbath would begin at sunset on Wednesday and run through
sunset on Thursday (This was not the weekly Sabbath but a special
High Sabbath), Jewish Law required that Jesus be buried before sunset
on Wednesday.
Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, secret believers of Jesus who were
members of the Sanhedrin (the Jewish ruling council), went to Pontius
Pilate and asked for Jesus’ body. Pontius Pilate granted their
Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus took Jesus’ body down from the
cross, covered Him, and placed His body in a nearby tomb owned and
donated by Joseph of Arimathea.
To Be Continued – Don’t Miss “The Mummification Process And
The Rest Of The Story” In Part Two.
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