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A Divine Stream Of Supernatural Revelation (Part 2)

A Divine Stream Of Supernatural Revelation (Part 2)

Guest Post by Apostle Charles Sewanyana

President and Founder of Gracious Ministries International

When the Holy Spirit lifts the cover and removes the veil that has blocked your view of God’s plans for you, the eyes of your spirit suddenly see and perceive truths that were previously veiled. This is what the Bible calls a revelation. In one instant, everything comes into clear view, answering all your questions and giving you the direction you’ve been seeking for a long time.

The word “apokalupsis” suggests this meaning for 1 Corinthians 2:9-10:
“God has supernaturally pulled back the veil that previously obscured your view and blocked God’s plan from your sight. It was the Holy Spirit who actually carried out this operation and made all of these once-concealed things now visible to you….”

Truthfully, God gave us our brains so we could use them, and we need to learn how to use them well. But there are some things the mind alone will never perceive. If we are ever going to see those spiritual truths, we will have to have a spiritual experience that opens our eyes to them.

If you have been seeking answers that your mind can’t find, why not go to the ultimate Source of divine revelation? God holds all the answers you seek. As you sincerely ask in faith and genuinely open your heart so the Holy Spirit can speak to you, He will tell you everything He wants you to know!

My Prayer for Today
Lord, now I understand that I’ve been trying to find answers I’ll never discover by myself. The things I long to know can only be revealed by You, so today I ask You to pull back the veil that has concealed those things I long to understand. I know that when You get involved, my eyes will be opened and my ignorance will evaporate. I sincerely ask You in faith to speak to me and to show me those things I need to know.
I pray this in Jesus’ name!

My Confession for Today
I affirm that with the help of the Holy Spirit, I clearly see and understand everything the Holy Spirit wants me to know. The day of ignorance has been removed because the Holy Spirit has come to reveal the benefits Jesus has provided for me. Now I have access to the secrets that were previously hidden to my natural mind and perception. I am thankful for the Spirit’s revealing work in my life, and I declare that I never have to claim ignorance again! I declare this by faith in Jesus’ name!

Questions for You to Answer

  1. Have you been seeking God for answers that seem elusive to you?
  2. Why not make a list of the questions for which you’re seeking answers?
  3. Have you sincerely asked in faith for answers to your questions and then genuinely opened your heart to God so He can speak to you?

End of Guest Post

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