
How God Can Heal Your Sexual Hurt.

How God Can Heal Your Sexual Hurt.

Finding Healing for Sexual Hurt with God

Sexual hurt is a deeply personal and often overwhelming pain. Whether rooted in betrayal, abuse, or loss, it can leave scars that feel impossible to heal. Yet, there is hope. God is not just a distant figure but a present and compassionate healer who can mend the deepest wounds.

This guest post by Dr. Sam Serio explores why including God in your journey of healing can transform your pain into restoration.

10 Reasons to Invite God into Your Healing Journey

  1. God Understands the Power of Sex
    He knows that sex can unite or divide, uplift or devastate. God, who created intimacy, also knows the depth of hurt caused by its misuse.
  2. God Wrote a Guide for Healing
    The Bible addresses every facet of human experience, including stories of sexual dysfunction, assault, and redemption. God’s Word offers wisdom and hope for your journey.
  3. God Knows Your Story
    Every detail—who, when, where, and how—is known to Him. He was there in your darkest moments and offers clarity, closure, and companionship in your healing.
  4. God’s Power is Limitless
    No therapy, self-help book, or worldly advice can compare to the peace and strength God provides. His miracles prove that nothing is beyond His ability to restore.
  5. God Knows What it Means to Hurt
    Jesus experienced betrayal, humiliation, and physical violation. He understands your pain and shares in your sorrow.
  6. God Brings Freedom
    Captivity to memories, shame, or bitterness can feel unending. Yet, Jesus offers freedom, joy, and light to those burdened by the weight of the past.
  7. Justice Will Prevail
    Those who wronged you will not escape accountability. God promises that one day, all wrongs will be made right, and every tear will be wiped away.
  8. Your Heart is Safe with Him
    Healing doesn’t rest solely on your shoulders. God can restore, renew, and strengthen your heart, making you a new creation in Christ.
  9. Forgiveness Flows from God
    While forgiveness may seem impossible, God equips you to release bitterness and move forward. Even when apologies never come, His grace enables healing.
  10. God’s Faithfulness is Unshakable
    Unlike people who fail us, God is unfailing in His love and truth. He will never deceive, abandon, or harm you.

Hope for a New Beginning

No matter your past—whether shaped by abuse, betrayal, or addiction—God offers a path to wholeness. Your heavenly Father is unlike any earthly figure who may have failed or hurt you. He is trustworthy, loving, and the ultimate source of healing.

If your heart carries shattered dreams, lost trust, or painful memories, take comfort in knowing God specializes in restoration. Let Him guide you to a place of peace and joy.

This post is adapted from Dr. Sam Serio, a Christian counselor and founder of healingsexualhurt.com. Dr. Serio’s ministry focuses on addressing sexual hurts often overlooked by the church.

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